must have heard about it
somewhere or you might
think it�s impossible, but
the truth of the matter is
that it is very possible and below is the
� The clone of the web
page is created.
� The HTML of the website
is edited and re-coded. � The website is hosted
on a free web host server
with a domain name similar
to the website
E.g. for Facebook � of This is how
the clone website will
When any visitor enters
his username and
password and click the login button two things
happen without the user
knowing simultaneously (at
the same time).
1. The username and
password is saved on a separate page where you
can see them.
2. The user is redirected
to the original website.
Sweet right ?!
Now how do you get people to visit the clone
website ? this Is where it
gets more interesting. You
can send them notification
emails pretending to be
from the website. E.g for Facebook, you send them a
friend request and edit
the link to direct them to
your clone website or a
notification email asking
them to click a link leading to your clone website.
Cool ? No, too cool !!
Now you might want to
send this email to
thousands of people this is
where inbox mass mailer comes in. the mailer can be
used to send emails to
thousands of people at a
time. But wait that�s not
the best part, the best
part Is that the sender address can be edited i.e. I
can just put any email
address as the sender e.g.
I think you�ve gotten the
whole point now. Now am going to make it
easy for you, all these can
be done for you at a tiny
affordable price. Here is
what the clone website
package will contain: � The clone website (any
website of your choice).
� A personal mass mailer
(to send emails).
� Free hosting and setup
with domain. To start hacking you
simply logon to the the
website , send the emails,
open the data page and
copy the usernames and
passwords of your victims
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