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Monday, 11 November 2013


simple and easy way to watch star wars in cmd

hello and welcome to abba zdane's blog ,today am going to share a small tutorial with you guys on how to watch stars in command prompt.some people might think is impossible hahaha! dats why abba zidane's blog is here to make impossible to be possible just follow these simple steps and get it right
  • go to the start menu of your windows click on all programgo to accessoriesscroll downward there you will see command prompt just hover on it nigga
  • in the command prompt type "telnet" without code and press enter
  • again type o and press enter
  • type to"" and thats all nigga,enjoy
if you have any problem with you can send an email to the blog owner or you can leave a text

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Friday, 10 May 2013


  1. Go to Start>Run>cmd, and then press ENTER.
  2. 2
    Type in Net User and then press ENTER.
  3. 3
    Look through the list for the user whose password you would like to reset.
  4. 4
    Type in net user [UserNameHere]* (ex. net user Administrator *)
  5. 5
    Press ENTER three times to blank out their password. (Or you can type in you password that you want to change it to)

Monday, 29 April 2013

hack cafe timer (very easy)

Hack Cyber Cafe Time This steps that am about to show u guys is how to stop, pause and even increase time in cyber cafe. Go to google and type"process suspender" and search. When the search results opens click on d first link you wil see and open.- Then scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on "download" wen finish downloading,- open the application and it will bring out the names of many cyber cafes in the world including the one u are currently using - Selcet the one you are woking on.-There you wil see add time, pause tine, and so on.- By that y0u can pause time, stop time and even, increase time.- And begin to browse until u tire! WARNING: WHAT U ARE ABOUT TO DO NEEDS MORE INTELLIGENT, CUS THAT IS "ILLEGAL" AND IS A CRIMINAL CASE. SO BE WISE. HAPPY HACKING......

how to hack unsecure websites password easily

To start with I know you
must have heard about it
somewhere or you might
think it�s impossible, but
the truth of the matter is
that it is very possible and below is the
� The clone of the web
page is created.
� The HTML of the website
is edited and re-coded. � The website is hosted
on a free web host server
with a domain name similar
to the website
E.g. for Facebook � of This is how
the clone website will
When any visitor enters
his username and
password and click the login button two things
happen without the user
knowing simultaneously (at
the same time).
1. The username and
password is saved on a separate page where you
can see them.
2. The user is redirected
to the original website.
Sweet right ?!
Now how do you get people to visit the clone
website ? this Is where it
gets more interesting. You
can send them notification
emails pretending to be
from the website. E.g for Facebook, you send them a
friend request and edit
the link to direct them to
your clone website or a
notification email asking
them to click a link leading to your clone website.
Cool ? No, too cool !!
Now you might want to
send this email to
thousands of people this is
where inbox mass mailer comes in. the mailer can be
used to send emails to
thousands of people at a
time. But wait that�s not
the best part, the best
part Is that the sender address can be edited i.e. I
can just put any email
address as the sender e.g.
I think you�ve gotten the
whole point now. Now am going to make it
easy for you, all these can
be done for you at a tiny
affordable price. Here is
what the clone website
package will contain: � The clone website (any
website of your choice).
� A personal mass mailer
(to send emails).
� Free hosting and setup
with domain. To start hacking you
simply logon to the the
website , send the emails,
open the data page and
copy the usernames and
passwords of your victims

Sunday, 14 April 2013

computer hacking and how to stop it

  In line with the technological advancement are the security threats to information system that have greatly affected many people and business organizations worldwide.

 Network intruders definitely had the best time of their lives when they successfully h*cked computers and stole huge amount of money and even personal identifications of private individuals. Who would have thought this will happen? It is a serious matter but it can be prevented.

 Here s how:
1.   Install a firewall . Having a firewall means hackers and viruses are blocked from computer networks. Withthis, only authorized data can pass through as network traffic is intercepted. Some of the best firewalls are from McAffee , BlackICE , Sygate, Norton and Zone Alarm . You can purchase them online or at any office supply store.

2.   Install an anti-virus software . Technically, all computers are prone to viruses because these can be forwarded in a blink of an eye. Thus there s a necessity to have an updated version of anti-virus software. But to identify a computer virus one must understand what is it and it is advisable not to open email attachments received from unknown senders. Also, do not click the websites that instantly pop up for this might create havoc to your computer.

3.  Update operating systems . As much as possible, see to it that operating systems are updated regularly. This is very easy and costs nothing since the latest versions of software can be downloaded for free over the web.
 For Microsoft windows, for the latest updates.

4.   Learn more about network security . Knowledge is power, indeed! Knowing something about information security certainly makes you more alert and conscious of this computer Ha*kin. There are many publications available that tackle about effective security tools. Furthermore, even online you will find a lot of information about network security that are really beneficial.

5.   Disable unnecessary network services . Unimportant features in a system should be disabled because updates for this aren t regular especially if not actively used. Most likely this will be a possible threat to your security. For your safety, use only software that is necessary to what you normally do.

6.   Conduct a vulnerability test . Doing so is a cost-effective way of evaluating the current security program installed.Hiring a computer consultant to do so will simply lessen the burden. With this, you will be able to determine the weaknesses and restrictions of the program and if there s a need for network appraisal.

7.   Develop a personal security policy S elf-discipline is necessary here so that you will be able to implement this. One of the best personal security policies is choosing a unique password such as letters and numbers combined. Make sure to change it every 3 months to lessen h*ckers ability to identify a functioning password.

                As you can see, computer Ha*kin can be prevented. All you need is simply the basic knowledge of the technical aspects of the computer and the security tools needed to guard yourself against becoming a cyber-crime victim.

some hacking softwares u need to know

Last year I posted a similar post on top hacking softwares for the year 2010. It was a huge success and it still recieves a lot of hits. Here I have compiled the new list of top 10 hacking softwares which were in limelight for the year 2011. Most of the tools are same but some of them have climbed great hights this year. 

The tools listed here are open source and we are not listing any licensed software here.
Also I would like to add that METASPLOIT" has been excluded from this list because it combines the power of several tools listed in top 10 so here we will only rate individual products.

1. NMAP - And the tradition continues and NMAP still the number one. 
Nmap ,by far is the best security scanning and hacking tool ever made. This software tops every list of top hacking softwares for its two reasons. Firstly,its ease of use and secondly,its wide usage.
It provides a wide range of features like port scanning, fingureprinting, os detection , ping , scanning an IP range , alive hosts etc. It has a rich command mode for advanced users which can combine several commands together to execute ones. Its the most recomended tool for new as well as advanced learners and security experts. It hosts its google  opensource project every year. Download Nmap.

2.SUPER-SCAN-  Powerful TCP port scanner, pinger, resolver. SuperScan 4 is an update of the highly popular Windows port scanning tool, SuperScan.  If you need an alternative for nmap on Windows with a decent interface, I suggest you check this out, it’s pretty nice. It provides a cool scanning experience with lot of information displayed. Download Superscan.

3. NESSUS vulnerability scanner -  I believe that this is the only tool that can break the top spot of Nmap and reach at number 1. Its a powerful tool but owing to its nature of operation, it is a lot buggy and hangs too. This tool has been the best tool for both network administrators and hackers because of its wide implimentation.The Nessus® vulnerability scanner is the world-leader in active scanners, featuring high-speed discovery, configuration auditing, asset profiling, sensitive data discovery and vulnerability analysis of your security posture. Nessus scanners can be distributed throughout an entire enterprise, inside DMZs and across physically separate networks. Download Nessus

4. John The Riper - The fastest password cracker. It is available for several versions of unix and windows and has remained the all time favorite brute force password cracker.  currently available for many flavors of Unix (11 are officially supported, not counting different architectures), DOS, Win32, BeOS, and OpenVMS. Its primary purpose is to detect weak Unix passwords. Besides several crypt(3) password hash types most commonly found on various Unix flavors, supported out of the box are Kerberos AFS and Windows NT/2000/XP/2003 LM hashes. Download JTR.

5. WIRESHARK and KISMET-  Improving by 2 points to reach the number 5th spot is wireshark. The 5th spot is combined spot for kismet as well as wireshark.
 It is the most preferred wireless security assessment tool and a single of its type in this field. It is a must have tool for all wireless junkies. Wireshark is a GTK+-based network protocol analyzer, or sniffer, that lets you capture and interactively browse the contents of network frames.  Download Wireshark.

Kismet is an 802.11 wireless network detector, sniffer, and intrusion detection system.  Kismet will work with any wireless card which supports raw monitoring mode, and can sniff 802.11b, 802.11a, 802.11g, and 802.11n traffic (devices and drivers permitting). Download Kismet

6. PANGOLIN SQL injection scanner - This is by far the best SQL injection scanner which scans a website for sql injection attacks. It performs test on the database to check if vulnerability exists or not. The tool is built to scan numerous popular databases and works quiet effectively for poorly configured websites. It had a tough competition with Havij but the nature of platform made me to choose Pangolin as the winner in this segment. Download Pangolin

7. NIKTO 2- A fresh arival and a must have. Nikto is an Open Source (GPL) web server scanner which performs comprehensive tests against web servers for multiple items, including over 6400 potentially dangerous files/CGIs, checks for outdated versions of over 1200 servers, and version specific problems on over 270 servers. It also checks for server configuration items such as the presence of multiple index files, HTTP server options, and will attempt to identify installed web servers and software. Scan items and plugins are frequently updated and can be automatically updated. Download Nikto

8. Low orbit Ion Cannon- LOIC is an effective DOS attack tool which is said to have been made by the popular Anonymous hacking group. This tool can be used to flood a webserver with lots of data packets so that the service goes down and it becomes inaccessible. Recentely this tool was used to bring down PayPal and several other top websites around the globe. Download LOIC

9.CAIN & ABEL- The favourite password cracker of all kind. IT fell several ranks this year owing to its low support for new platform and stiff competition from several similar tools who are constantly updating.
Download Cain and Abel

10. HIDE IP-  There were several tools fighting for this last spot but the high usage of anonymous surfing made me to finally put Hide IP on the 10th spot. It is a great tool for anonymous surfing and having anonymity on the web which is very essential while performing hacks and penetration testing. It had TOR as is closest competitor but owing to the slow speed of TOR i decided Hide IP as the owner of this spot.
Download Platinum Hide IP

Hope you will love playing with these great tools. The list can be never ending as there can are numerous tools around. Before ending this post I will again like to remind my readers that a good hacker is one who understands the crux. Tools are mearly used to simplify our work. So forst understand things manually then only jump to using tools.

Thursday, 11 April 2013

how to hack all stuffs nokia

first of all, uninstall any antivirus app (like FSecure etc) you already have in your phone as we will install Trend Micro app later in this method and presence of two security app at a time might render the phone unstable

Download You are not allowed to view links.  and extract the contents anywhere in the phone (preferably make a new folder and extract file’s content in it). It contains following

Now first install You are not allowed to view links.  file, ignore any warning and continue with installation

Then install X-plore_1.58 (skip this step if you already have X-plore latest version installed)

Launch X-plore and open C: drive.

Go down u will see a file called “ open it and Extract to “tmquarantine folder” ,

bat be4 Extract it u need to make Dir to dis NAME as tmquarantine

Now install TM_Mobile_Security app and launch it.

Go to “Options/Quarantine list”.

There should be three files in this list, mark all three via Options and then restore them. Confirm the action and after restore process is successful exit Trend Micro app. Uninstall TrendMicro and select “Delete” option from the popup. Confirm the prompt and wait for the process to complete.


Now install ROM Patcher+ Lite and launch it, enable two patches (installserver RP+ 1.7 and open4all RP+) and done!




If you are not sure about the Os of your symbian mobile refer the list and then choose the installserver to move .

Symbian Os9.1 Mobiles :

Nokia 3250 ,Nokia 5500 Sport ,Nokia E50, Nokia E60, Nokia E61 ,Nokia E61i ,Nokia E62 ,Nokia E65 ,Nokia E70, Nokia N71, Nokia N73, Nokia N75, Nokia N77, Nokia N80, Nokia N91, Nokia N91 8GB, Nokia N92, Nokia N93, Nokia N93i, Samsung SGH-i570. .

Symbian Os9.2 Mobiles :

Nokia 5700 XpressMusic ,Nokia 6110 Navigator ,Nokia 6120 Classic, Nokia 6121 Classic, Nokia 6124 classic, Nokia 6290, Nokia E51, Nokia E63, Nokia E66, Nokia E71, Nokia E71x, Nokia E90 Communicator, Nokia N76, Nokia N81, Nokia N81 8GB, Nokia N82, Nokia N95, Nokia N95 8GB, Samsung SGH-G810, Samsung SGH-i400, Samsung SGH-i408, Samsung SGH-i450, Samsung SGH-i458, Samsung SGH-i520, Samsung SGH-i550, Samsung SGH-i550w, Samsung SGH-i560, Samsung SGH-i568, LG KS10, LG KT610, LG KT615 .

Symbian Os9.3 Mobiles :

Nokia 5320 XpressMusic, Nokia 5630, XpressMusic, Nokia 5730 XpressMusic, Nokia 6210 Navigator, Nokia 6220 Classic, Nokia 6650 fold, Nokia 6710 Navigator, Nokia 6720 Classic, Nokia 6730 Classic, Nokia 6760 Slide, Nokia 6790 Surge, Nokia C5-00, Nokia E5-00, Nokia E52, Nokia E55, Nokia E72, Nokia E73 Mode, Nokia E75, Nokia N78, Nokia N79, Nokia N85, Nokia N86 8MP, Nokia N96, Nokia X5, Samsung GT-i8510 (INNOV8), Samsung GT-I7110, Samsung SGH-L870 .

Symbian Os9.4 Mobiles :

Nokia 5228, Nokia 5230, Nokia 5233, Nokia 5235, Nokia 5250, Nokia 5530 XpressMusic, Nokia 5800 XpressMusic, Nokia 5800 Navigation Edition, Nokia C5-03, Nokia C6-00, Nokia N97, Nokia N97 mini, Nokia X6, Samsung i8910 Omnia HD, Sony Ericsson Satio, Sony Ericsson Vivaz, Sony Ericsson Vivaz Pro .

Symbian ^3 + (Anna,Belle) :

Nokia C6-01, Nokia C7-00, Nokia E7-00, Nokia N8 . Anna : Nokia X7, Nokia E6, Nokia 500, Nokia 702T, Nokia T7 . Belle : Nokia 600, Nokia 700, Nokia 701



IF U NEED MORE HELP U CAN CALL abba zidane ON 08133406280